Tuesday, March 01, 2005

::sigh:: I have nothing to do... Do you think loneliness accompanies emptiness?
Who will be there for you?
Comfort and care for you?
I didn't mean to put that song in, but it just fit... I'm being melancholy again. I need to stop it.
Well, here are my potential classes next year, that is if everything goes well:
English 2 H
AP European History
Chemistry IB
Advanced Journalism
Pre-Calc/Trig Honors
Spanish 2

there are so many classes I want to take, yet so little time to take them!! Argh. Stupid Tech requirement. Ah well, I won't play basketball after sophomore year, unless by some miracle I make the regular JV team, which is highly unlikely. So many things to do.
Argh... I can't believe Jay's leaving me after three months. Gonna miss that guy soo much!!!!!!!!! Why is it that in the end, everyone leaves you? No matter by what means, one by one, they all fall away. So in the end, it is only you, alone and empty, with only memories of those you knew that will never occur again. Hard as you hold onto those memories, they too, in the end, fade away...

I think of many things I've done, how stupid some of them were, how hilarious, what I should have done, did correctly, and shouldn't have done. Yet more often, I think of what I didn't do, and why I didn't do that. I hate myself many times when I think of them, because I see how irrational, unreasonable, or arrogant I was. I thought myself too good to do something like that, or I was merely in a bad mood, and didn't want to do something. For example: at the creek in Blarney Castle, now I think I should have went in. What difference would it make? I would have one more good memory, instead of remembering my arrogance and stupidity.
I need to watch the Lord of the Rings again. Cameron Duncan; I wish he hadn't been taken. It would have been interesting/awesome to watch the things he could have made, especially after all the insights he'd gained. "You only regret the things you didn't do..."


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