Thursday, March 10, 2005

I'm a bad bad girl. I'm studying for bio, and have been studying for the best couple hours (with a shower in between), but now I was just singing randomly, and I sang Somewhere, and I recorded it on the computer. I did one version where I practically killed myself doing both Tony and Maria's voices, and they were actually varied and Tony sounded like a very high tenor. Then I just did one that was all Maria, which works too, as Charlotte Church did it that way. I need to stop distracting myself, but if any of you want to hear it, which I doubt (hint: Elsa), tell me and I'll email it to you. ehehhe. maybe one day i'll record a CD.. i have Think of Me on here somewhere too, but it sucks.

aphotic zone, benthic zone, biomes, ARGH.. evil things
i'd rather go watch West Side Story or Fellowship. OMG there's this kid at school named Mike (another one) who is sooo awesome!!! he's a total Tolkien freak! when he heard i was, he recited a complete riddle in the dark, and he just happens to pick the ONE Tolkien book i'm not very familiar with, but then I started asking him about Silmarillion, and he couldn't answer me, but it's soooo awesome to have someone to talk to who actually knows what in Iluvatar's name you're talking about. Well, Miriel and Hanna are AWESOME, but you know, to talk to in person. back to biology


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