Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Under pain of.. what did she say it was... perishing from this earth (beyond the circles of this world if i might add) and being doomed to never read about the infamous Heathcliff never, ever again (NOOO I MIGHT SAY), I have to do this for the beloved Elsa.

1. Your name: Uh.. I prefer Isilme, but apparently I'm Slimy 'Silme, Madame Sir Choc'late Puddin' of the Hexagonal Squared Side-Table. i don't even want to know what you added to that so yea, let's just keep it at that.
2. Where did we meet?: the first P2P meeting! i sat across from you and you were wearing a yellow sweatshirt, glasses, with your hair wild and curly down, and.. THE EVENSTAR!!!!!!!!!! (HOW do i remember what you were wearing?!)
3. Take a stab at my middle name: Bianca
4. How long have you known me?: almost 3 years now? Wow it's been that long??? I MISS YOU!!!
5. How well do you know me?: hehe I love your answer for me. I know you better than most, but there's always more to discover.. GET OUT HERE WOMAN!
6. Do I smoke?: Longbottom Leaf, obviously, and Old Toby
7. Whats my favourite colour?: o crap.. I'm going to say green for the Shire.
8. When you first saw me what was your first impression? "WHY DOES SHE HAVE THE EVENSTAR?!?!?!!??"
9. My age?: 15
10. My birthday?: August 13
11. Color Hair?: Blackish brownish. We'll say DARK.
12. Color eyes?: brown, like the good tilled earth of the Gaffer!
13. Have you ever had a crush on me? the wind doesn't blow that way children.. sorry to disappoint you all.
14. Have you ever been jealous of me? YOU HAVE THE BLOOMIN EVENSTAR! AND YOU'RE A BLOOMIN HOBBIT!!!! i shall nick that someday..
15. Whats one of my fav things to do indoors?: sing (with isilme most preferably), shop (hey the mall is indoors), draw, write, eat chex mix (hehe), read, watch LotR, Phantom, Mrs. Parkington, Cyrano de Bergerac, Master & Commander, Pirates of the Caribbean, and others.
16. Do you remember the first things I said to you when we first met? "it's MINE! MY EVENSTAR! I bought it off the catalog. NO YOU CANNOT HAVE IT!"
17. Whats my fav type of music?: lately i've noticed you've been listening to a lot of violin classics, but you love the musicals like me, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Josh Groban, some pop, and some people named Rasmus, Styx, and other loud nonsense.
18. Whats one of my fav things to do outdoors?: smoke Longbottom Leaf, heheh.. name your cows, bask in the beauty of natural beauty of Tennessee. press thistles for isilme in the pouring rain (thank you!) i don't know.. from our experiences in wales, i don't see you as much of an outdoor perosn.
19. Am I shy or outgoing? outgoing most of the time, with a balance of shyness in there.
20. Would you say Im funny HAHA or funny sarcastic?: both. you're absolutely hilarious at times but you can also be the most cynical person ever hehe.
21. Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?: "You know you're a no-good, two-timing, dirty-rotten-scoundrel, Isilme." wow.. make me sound like Han Solo why don't you. you're a follow the rules kind of girl most of the time.
22. Would you consider me a friend?: one of the bestest, truest kindred spirits i have ever hence encountered!
23. Would you call me preppy, slutty, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, snobby, or something else?: you're a Hobbit pirate. you're the most awesome friend I could ever sing or obsess with!
24. Have you ever seen me cry?: um i don't think so.. yet. you haven't seen me cry? wow. i cried when we watched LotR!
25. If there were one good nickname for me, what would it be? OY.. Hanna the Hobbit of the Great Smials that is not a Mineral.
26. Are my parents still together?: no
27. Do I have a nice butt? wooosh! wind is still blowing the other way
28. If I had broccoli stuck on my teeth, would you tell me? of course, especially if there were an Erik-looking guy nearby.
29. Do you love me? My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep. The more I give to thee the more I have, for both are infinite!

AM I...

31. Quiet or loud? mostly loud, but everyone must have their quiet moments
31. Short or Tall?: hehe you're a Hobbit. NOT A MUNCHKIN
32. Weird or original?: Weird in your originality!!! OOO I combined the two! I mean, who else can come up with Madame Sir Choc'late Puddin' of the Hexagonal Squared Side-Table from the word "Liverpudlian".
33. Smart or stupid?: smart of course, but everyone has to have some stupidity or else I'd be jealous! we're stupid when we're together! it's awesome.
34. Boring or Fun?: you are the person I have the most fun with! The fact that I don't see you much probably adds to it, but we just have so much fun! We have so much in common that we can do anything and have fun. We can just sit in my room and sing and it would be the best day ever. YOU'RE COMING OUT FOR WICKED!!!
35. Attractive or Unattractive?: you're an adorable hobbit who hoots in her sleep.


36. A psycho? undoubtably, but not in the Alfred Hitchcock way. I heart thee
38. An Athletic? as athletic as hobbits come
39. A nerd? you're my friend, you have to be
40. A slut? NEVER! the day you are i shall slap you silly, drop-kick you, punjab you, and then unleash your own weapon arsenal on you.
41. Ghetto? hahahaa.. redneck is more like it. JKJK!!! unlike that substitute of yours..
42. A bitch? you can be when you're stressed out, pissed off, and someone annoys you. hopefully i don't fit that category.
43. Two-faced? i don't think so
44. Obnoxious? most definitely and righteously
45. Immature? hehe with me!
46. Mature? you have that side too.


47. What do you think Ill be when I grow up? helping Isilme be president of the world. hehe. my right hand woman. we shall have a feminist world! or a world renowned writer that would not dare to rip off Tolkien like SOMEONE! that or a sanitation worker. :)
48. A) Do you think Ill get married? Pippin will be the perfect hobbit house husband. Don't worry.. we can be spinsters together if Faramir and Pippin don't show up.
B) If you do, who do you think Ill marry? Peregrin Took
49. Who do i have a crush on? son of Paladin
50. Who is my best friend? marlo, ted, nicole, and me
51. What song(if any)reminds you of me? "Defying Gravity", "For Good", "What Is This Feeling", "Concerning Hobbits", "Music of the Night"
52. Do I remind you of any characters on TV? um... seeing as I really don't watch TV, no.
53. If you could rename me, what would my name be? Hanna!
54. Have you ever had a dream about me? yes. we were in London, and you pushed me into the Thames.. hehe. also that you and pippin came to Minas Tirith to visit Faramir and I.
55. A feature that you like about me: you're the one person who role-plays as much, or more than me! you sing with me! you are a hobbit! you come up with the weirdest nicknames ever! you are awesome!
56. If you could give me anything, what would it be? a pair of big hairy feet and the Great Smials

Okay, this is rather obvious, but for this next section, some of these you only answer if you're of different gender as the sender!

57. Am I physically ugly, average, decent, good-looking, beautiful, hot? i'll leave that to Pippin
58. Would you ever kiss me? hahaha that reminds me of Billy and Viggo...
59. Would you ever consider being my boyfriend/girlfriend? Well you can sing a tenor... BUT you aren't English... sorry! hehehe i love thee hanna
60. Do you ever think about me? there will never be a day when i won't think of YOU!!!
61. If we spent a day together..where would we go and what would we do? ooo JULY!!!! We would eat Chinese food with chopsticks, watch Les Miserables with Michael Ball as Marius. Then we'd watch the Phantom of the Opera in French. Then we'd go to the mall and get made fun of by a stupid black guy named Jessica. We'd have ice cream and then go see WICKED!!!!! and then spend the rest of the night singing it!
62. If you could describe me in one word, what would it be? anomaly
63. Do you or have you ever had a crush on me? alright the winds aren't turning anytime soon
64. Do you want me? I want you here with me!!!!!! I'm here without you baby! (alright not baby) I want my Elphaba/Glinda partner!!!!!
65. What word do I say all the time? "damn", "SLIMY!", "LIES!"
66. Is there anything youd like to say to me? Because I knew you, I have been changed for good! GET OUT HERE!!!


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