Thursday, January 19, 2006

Truth or Dare is a very dangerous and potentially painful game.
I think Andy and I realized that on the bus today. Painful and dangerous mostly because I had to give HIM a kiss on the cheek. BLECH. *wipes mouth after using listerine* Eww cooties.
But yea, as Andy put it, you might end up knowing more than you want to. In my opinion, it's more that you don't want to say some of the things that they ask you, but I didn't want to pick dare because there were like 6 people and there really weren't that many options and Robin was asking most of the time and I REALLY didn't want to do what she said.
Andy, your calculator is EVIL! It was on random number generator (No Kathleen not AP CS) between 1-5.
1. Elaine
2. Ashley
3. Robin
4. Matthew
5. Andy

Ashley and Andy had a thing going. I swear they didn't get anyone but each other, and then Robin kept getting me which was highly disturbing because I don't even want to know what's going on her head and then I kept getting Matthew! He was happy about it because apparently, "She's the only one who can't ask me anything." Which, regretably, was a bit true. HE PULLED A CAMRON MOVE AND CHEATED THE FIRST TIME! Not that I'm saying you cheat Camron, if you're reading this. :)
So let's see the better questions that were asked...
I asked Ashley who she liked more: Mexico or Rainbow Boy
Robin asked me, "Have you ever had a dream about you and someone interacting sexually, not necessarily sex, but physical like making out and stuff. And if yes, who?"
THAT WAS UNNEEDED ROBIN!!! I said Steven Gerrard of course. No need to reveal anything more personal or unexpected. ;)
Then she asked me, compliments of the EVIL TWISTED KATHLEEN, "Have you ever reeeeaaallllllyyyyyy llloovvveedd someone?" And yes that was how she said it.
I think I must have turned the color of the Liverpool jersey.
And yes, my answer was yes.
I asked Andy who Shirt is, though it was too uncomfortable for him so I didn't press it.
I then asked Matthew the question Robin asked me, and his answer was the same as mine.
Robin is SCARY when it comes to that game.

But yea, I think I have a tendency to go right up and ask for it, to coin the term. I set myself up for pain. I shouldn't have ditched practice because now I miss the bus sooooooo MUCH! Leading me to now listen to Evanescence.. *sigh*

Now off to the shower.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Your name: Robin -or as you prefer: sexy beast
2. Where did we meet?: the first day of the freshman school year in 0 period mrs wilson's english class
3. Take a stab at my middle name: it's something pretty.
4. How long have you known me?: like a year and a half. but i only really got to know you better sophomore year
5. How well do you know me?: (= as well as a squirrel knows a nut that it's been hanging out with
6. Do I smoke?: no
7. Whats my favourite colour?: red (GO LIVERPOOL!) (from your answer to ashley.)
8. When you first saw me what was your first impression? i wish i were that tall.
9. My age?: 15
10. My birthday?: march 22 (= yes, i remember.
11. Color Hair?: pitch black. although in the sun, i swear it's mahogany. not that i actually "examine" your hair, but you know. the bus is a densely populated vehicle.
12. Color eyes?: dark brown
13. Have you ever had a crush on me?
14. Have you ever been jealous of me? i wish i were tall.
15. Whats one of my fav things to do indoors?: look at pictures of steven gerrard
16. Do you remember the first things I said to you when we first met? hi my name's elaine?
17. Whats my fav type of music?: musicals musicals musicals
18. Whats one of my fav things to do outdoors?: bball
19. Am I shy or outgoing? outgoing but shy on a few subjects
20. Would you say Im funny HAHA or funny sarcastic?: you bring me laughter, that's all i can say.
21. Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?: you follow the rules
22. Would you consider me a friend?: mhmm(=
23. Would you call me preppy, slutty, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, snobby, or something else?: ELAINE, YOU ARE SO AVERAGE, YET SO "SOMETHING ELSE"
24. Have you ever seen me cry?: i think so...
25. If there were one good nickname for me, what would it be?
26. Are my parents still together?: no
27. Do I have a nice butt?
28. If I had broccoli stuck on my teeth, would you tell me? yessss
29. Do you love me? yessss

AM I...

31. Quiet or loud? loud, though quiet when need not be.
31. Short or Tall?: tall)=
32. Weird or original?: wired
33. Smart or stupid?: you. are the true sophomore.
34. Boring or Fun?: Fun(=
35. Attractive or Unattractive?: elaine, you are the most beautiful person i have ever laid my blind eyes on.
(= jkjk, yes elaine. you are attractive.


36. A psycho? yes
38. An Athletic? yes
39. A nerd? yes
40. A slut? no
41. Ghetto? no
42. A bitch? no
43. Two-faced? no
44. Obnoxious? define obnoxious.
45. Immature? define immature.
46. Mature? define mature.


47. What do you think Ill be when I grow up? a phd humanities professor in england
48. A) Do you think Ill get married? sure
B) If you do, who do you think Ill marry? i really donot know. em,(;
49. Who do i have a crush on? ELAINE HAS A CRUSH ON no, i cant say it (=
50. Who is my best friend? kathleeeeeeeeen & ashley
51. What song(if any)reminds you of me? a heart full of love
52. Do I remind you of any characters on TV? no
53. If you could rename me, what would my name be? eponine (in broadway, not in the book)
54. Have you ever had a dream about me? hmm, i have many weird dreams although i can't seem to remember any of them after like, 2 days. i do remember that i had a dream about snakes in the desert when i was 6 yrs old though
55. A feature that you like about me: hair. smartness.
56. If you could give me anything, what would it be? "him" (your answer to ashley applies to you as well)

Okay, this is rather obvious, but for this next section, some of these you only answer if you're of different gender as the sender!

57. Am I physically ugly, average, decent, good-looking, beautiful, hot? i think i answered this question earlier
58. Would you ever kiss me? i may be just a little dirty, but i'm not a lesbian. but i suppose if it was a dare, i would.
59. Would you ever consider being my boyfriend/girlfriend? not a lesbian
60. Do you ever think about me? yes
61. If we spent a day together..where would we go and what would we do? i really don't know.
62. If you could describe me in one word, what would it be? smart
63. Do you or have you ever had a crush on me?
64. Do you want me?
65. What word do I say all the time? hahahaha
66. Is there anything youd like to say to me? AHEM. do you REALLLLYYYYYYY LOOOOOVVEEEEEEEEEE anyone right now?(; jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk
i love you.

butt slap from the sexy beast

1/19/2006 6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll tell you who shirt is, eventually

the reason why i didn't want to tell you because it's one of those "more than you want to know" type of answers. I'll tell you, but it was just uncomfortable because there were other people around.

1/20/2006 8:36 PM  

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