Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Here we are at the end of the semester... already.

I have my last class in an hour, which is a frightening notion. Where has the time gone? It feels like both such a long time ago and just yesterday that I left home. But then again, I've realized that I'm not the only one who feels this way, and this isn't the only time that I've felt this way. Time always flies, and we the humans in its inexorable path, must accept it instead of questioning its speed and thus losing more of the precious time granted to us.

Alright. Done waxing philosophical. It's still weird to me that I'm leaving more than a week earlier than everyone else and then I'm not coming back for Interterm, which means that I won't be living in this space with all of these people for a month and a half!!! I'm kind of afraid of going home because I don't know what it will feel like. Camille and Shannon were telling me how it's really weird because you feel torn. Amherst feels like home, but home does too, just one that you haven't been at for a while.

I need to go Christmas shopping!! GRR!! It was really funny this morning when I woke up (barely actually... I woke up halfway through the McFly song. I just incorporated the song into my intense dream about running away, as usual), and in my groggy state, trudged across the hall to the bathroom. I came out slightly more awake and in the four steps it takes me to get from the bathroom to my room, noticed something unusual on my door: a huge white sheet of paper. ¿Que es eso? I thought.
"To Brian:
Pulled all nighter.
Need sleep.
Turn in math homework for me?

And behind it, Simon's math homework. After Shannon and I laughed about it, I reflected on how everyone just comes automatically here to look for Brian. Sam always pops his head in asking for Brian when he wants to play video games, and Jorge pretends to come see us to check if Brian's available for video games. Ew video games. Disgust me. Such a waste of life.

Over break I think I'm going to write character sketches of all the people I live with. For fun, yes. Just because I haven't done any non-essay/journalistic writing for a very, very long time, and I miss it. And why not capture reality so I can remember these people vividly as well?

Last night, Shannon, Jaclyn, Ethan, and Keith were sitting in the study nook, and I went out to go say hello. Jaclyn was talking about her mother (using the low demonic voice, as usual) and she was telling them about how her parents wanted to kill her for choosing Amherst. They were first beyond ashamed that she didn't get into an Ivy League, and after she decided to go to Amherst, her dad wouldn't speak to her for a month. It was only till they got here that her dad decided, "Fine. Amherst is an okay school." Her mother has decided that she can only be successful if she majors in business, learns Chinese, and becomes the CEO of a large corporation. This is not what Jaclyn has in mind for herself, so she's double majoring in history AND economics because her mom threatened to stop paying her tuition if she didn't major in econ. RIDICULOUS.
Shannon had a similar story, though for different reasons. Her mom wanted her to stay in Iowa, and Shannon was determined to leave. So she and her dad chose Amherst without telling her mom, and when her mom found out, she flipped out and told her, "Shannon, since you're going far away anyway, you should just get out of the house right now," and then wouldn't speak to her. Sigh. Parents. I would want my kid to go to the best possible school and see the world instead of staying in the same place forever.

Must go to history now!! Post more later!


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