Monday, November 10, 2008

I can't let a post go by without screaming: OBAMA!!!!!!
We have a TV in our dorm room so we had it on to CNN the whole night while we were doing our homework. My two hopes for the night were (at least in regards to the presidential race): Obama would win (obviously) and California would be the one to clinch it.
Lo and behold! The moment the polls closed in California, CNN projected him as the official winner. We ran out of dorm room screaming (there were about 50 people.. the rest of the dorm) in the common room watching, and we wanted to celebrate with them. But they were watching Jon Stewart's show on the election (don't know if you know him.. comedian) instead of CNN so they hadn't seen the projection, and they didn't understand why we were screaming. We yelled at them to change it to CNN and the entire building ERUPTED!! People started screaming and hugging and jumping up and down and a bunch of people ran into the quad. There were about 200 people on the grass screaming and chanting, "OBAMA! OBAMA!" and later, "WE'RE NOT F***ED!!!"
It was absolutely amazing.. just the amount of happiness and energy out there. I know his presidency won't just magically fix everything, and I really hope that people realize that he won't be able to do everything and that it will be hard and he's not a magician, but just the amount of hope that we have now is amazing. :)

Last week was absolutely insane. I had four papers of some sort due Monday and Tuesday, including a 2000 word feature article! I wrote a feature!!! Isn't that amazing? And starting today, I'm going to be the new managing news editor on the newspaper... This kind of scares me and it's a huge time commitment, so I'm going to start complaining out of love very soon.

It's really scary how the semester is almost over. I feel like I've just gotten here. I'm really frustrated that my dad doesn't want me to take French next semester. I can never get over it. If I don't take it now, I'll spend the rest of my life wanting to take French, and this is the best time to finally do it. Grr. And plus, I want to work in Europe. I know that for a fact, and French is highly useful on the continent. More so than Spanish.

I went into town today with Brian after visiting him at work. The bank doors were locked when we got there, much to our dismay, but we didn't understand it since the ATMs should always be open! And then this other guy wearing a very bright blue beanie came as well and tugged on the doors. He then, brilliantly, stuck his ATM card in the slot that would fit an ATM and acts as a key! Yes, Elaine. You're so smart! But AHA! the first time he did it, the door made a sound but when he pulled, it wouldn't open. But he tried it again, and I pulled and they opened! Teamwork!! which is what he said. :)

We wandered around CVS for a really long time, since Brian couldn't remember what he wanted to buy and thus decided that he was going to walk through every aisle at least twice until he saw it. Alas, he never did, and he kept muttering, "AY!! What did I need to buy? I'm gonna go back to the room and realize what I need and be really mad!!" He hasn't discovered it yet though. Loser.

I have to go to layout in a bit.. hmm..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol very nice elaine, way to go with your common sense

11/11/2008 1:29 AM  

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