Sunday, September 21, 2008

I have so much work to do today!! :(
But that's okay, because it was worth it to go to Boston yesterday! I went with the College Democrats to the "Students for Change" Obama rally. A Boston Congressman and the governor of Massachusetts both spoke, which was awesome, and the only sad thing was that Barack Obama himself wasn't there. Sigh. I sometimes hate living in all-blue states, but only because that means Barack never comes to neither California nor Massachusetts. Oh well. I might kill myself if I lived in a swing, or Heaven forbid, a red state.
We were driven in an Amherst van by a really nice sophomore named David, whose niceness apparently did not entail an ability to navigate. We were separated from the group and ended up taking the long way around, by first going west and THEN turning around to go east to Boston.
We eventually got there, but the rally was shorter than expected, and after pooling our money, we donated a whopping $12 to the Obama campaign. Then we wandered around Boston, finally ending up at Fenway Park, where I took many pictures for Shannon. I was so glad to have Trevor and Camille with me. They're so nice and fun. :)
After David's suggestion and my insistence (woot Chinese people!), we went to a Chinese supermarket, 99 Ranch style. However, as we were driving to get there, the other van was parked in an extremely precarious situation. It was in between a corner and this huge dumpster. Someone had parked extremely closely behind him though, and so it was virtually impossible to get out. Right as I asked from our van, "How are they going to get out?" we hear this CRUNCHING sound as the back of their van rams into the bumper of the little Civic behind them. We all look at each other, panicking, but after the leaders decided that there was no visible damage on the car, they spent 10 minutes of extreme skill befitting only New York cab drivers and finally got the van out. Yes, Amherst students. Hit and run.
After that saga, I introduced everyone to Chinese food. It smelled SO much like HOME in that store.. it was beautiful!! After spending too much money and having boba, we headed back towards Amherst.
Now, heading back and actually getting there are two completely different notions. We paid the toll and somehow ended up OFF the Masspike (freeway), stranded somewhere in Newton. If only Greg were there... (he's from Newton).
We finally figured our way out, after many illegal and risky turns, near death experiences, including taking the wrong turn and ending up at the prettiest lake ever, that the boys in the car (Trevor, David, and Ethan) didn't seem to appreciate.
"WHERE ARE WE ELAINE?" Trevor demanded, since I was sitting in the passenger seat and was therefore by default navigator.
"It's SO PRETTY!!!!" I protested in reply, "We're taking the scenic route!"
A collective grunt from throughout the van, from the backseat to the driver's seat, echoed in the car.

That and I became the official radio DJ, and since I had no idea what people liked, I usually just turned the dial until someone started singing along, usually Trevor. At one point though, I found this station that played "Hey There Delilah," "The Remedy" and "Love Song" in quick succession, which obviously means that it was an awesome station. The others however, didn't seem to quite appreciate it, and dubbed it "GIRL MUSIC." WHATEVER. Camille and I liked it!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! So you see? I'm not the worse driver ever! =P

9/21/2008 10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol that sounds like a very eventful event lol

9/21/2008 1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were I close enough Royston, I would smite you for that little choice of phrase... "eventful event"? Seriously? It makes me cringe.

9/21/2008 3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats what i am here for. bad choice of grammer

9/21/2008 4:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and again... that's not grammar... (much less grammer...) it's word choice

9/21/2008 4:27 PM  

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