Saturday, August 09, 2008

I went to Knott's on Thursday, and am halfway done writing that recap, but since today has been the most miserable day in a long time, I shall just do one of these mind-numbing surveys.

No Lying Survey
1. last beverage: iced tea
2. last phone call: Yogin
3. last cd played: "Motion in the Ocean"--McFly
4. last time you cried: today
5. last text message: Jay

Have You Ever:
1. dated someone twice: nope.
2. been cheated on: ... I don't THINK so.
3. kissed someone & regretted it: nope.
4. lost someone special: :( yes.
5. been depressed: not medically and not like yogin!
6. been drunk and threw up: ewww never!

List Three Favorite Colors:
1. red
2. sky blue
3. white
So patriotic. Hah.

This Month, Have You:
1. Made a new friend: Have I? I don't think so... other than the imaginary one in my head.
2. Fallen out of love: yes, I suppose, but that's complicated.
3. Laughed until you cried: haha don't I do that every day?
4. Met someone who changed your life: yes. Because I knew you, I have been changed for good.
5. Found out who your true friends were: yes, and I was surprised many a time.

Random Questions:
1. Is there something you want to tell someone:
I always have something to say!

2. How many kids do you want to have?
2-3. Not sure... Older boy, younger girl(s)

3. Do you have any pets?
Not currently.. I never really grew up with many pets. I used to have a black lab named Shadow, and a beta fish named Ginobili.

4. Do you wanna change your name?
Haha. Considering how I'm going to court in three days to have my name changed, I guess. But I already consider Elaine my name.

5. What did you do yesterday?
Got yelled at for going to Knott's, watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics, talked to Kathleen on the phone and felt touched that she called me instead of her sister, even though it was Justine's birthday, listened to Jay and Yogin bitch about each other, saw Matthew for the last time in a long time and hugged for a long time, didn't play basketball and missed those friends, apologized to Yogin for not calling, learned geography and countries I didn't know before, ate at midnight and threatened Matthew that it better not be bad for me like he said it wouldn't be, etc.

7. What time did you wake up today?
11:30 am. BE PROUD.

8. What were you doing at 10:30 last night?
Texting Yogin

9. Name something you CANNOT wait for.
seeing my friends again

10. Last time you saw your father?
two minutes ago

11. What is one (or more) thing(s) you wish you could have in your life?
More time to spend with friends, permission to spend time with friends, easy access to football, less anger, and a more vivid imagination

12.What are you listening to right now?
"As Long As You're Mine"--Wicked
and the faint sounds of "The World Series of Poker" echoing from downstairs, quickly followed by my dad's snores

14. Who's getting on your nerves right now?
my dad, myself

15. Most visited webpage? is probably tied with and

16. Coke or Pepsi?
Pepsi, but just barely

17. Have you seen anyone naked in the past week?
yes. I'm hot stuff. :D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this survey kinda depresses me :(

8/13/2008 2:21 AM  

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