Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Let me tell you the epic episode of the bitchy Chinese waitress at the restaurant I am never going to again.
I went to go play basketball today, as usual, and at first, it was just me, Sam and Jeff there (Connie and Jo had to go eat and thus were going to be late). Jeff is really talkative; it's pretty funny. A lot more talkative than the rather shy Sam. And then Ryan and John got there, and the three of us somehow beat Sam and Jeff. We were playing up to 11, and it was 10-9 (us losing) for about 10 minutes, and neither side could score. Jeff got so mad at Sam, "PASS THE BALL!!! I said PASS. NOO DON'T SHOOT!!!!" he yelled with his accent (which made it even funnier), and then yelled at his brother to actually guard Ryan and John when they lobbed up three after three. I was like, "It's okay Jeff. Breathe," and his brother like... poked/punched him. Brotherly love. Aww. And then, after 10 minutes of deadlocked bad shooting, ELAINE made the three. Whee. I'm so proud. :D

Anyway, the conversation somehow got to drugs, and Ryan said, "Don't you know Elaine? Canyon Hills is like a drug school now!"
"Okay. You're pathetic. Sheltered!!!"
I looked distressingly from Ryan to Sam to Jeff, and the brothers, both of whom went to Canyon Hills this past year, nodded at me, and then in perfectly-accented English said, "Yeah. It's true. This one kid got caught with meth a while back, and one time they brought sniffer dogs on us."
How is this POSSIBLE? When we went there, rebellion was not tucking in your shirt!!! Sigh. Children these days. This, coupled with all the children I see smoking in the park, really depresses me. Ew, I am suddenly reminded of Holden Caufield. I shall be the catcher in the rye, rubbing out profanity at elementary schools.

I began craving boba while playing, particularly when I saw Shannon, who works at 99 Ranch making boba, and so after playing, I took off for Good Time Cafe, this overly-priced, but rather authentic Chinese restaurant near 99 Ranch that sells boba "buy one get one free," and I could give the other to Connie. However, I realized that I had absolutely no cash on me, but I had my credit card, so I stroll in and ask them, "Do you take credit card?" to which I received a reply to the affirmative. I then asked for two bobas, and the waitress, a Chinese woman, who had a drawn face that made her eyes look like they were bulging and who I could tell hadn't been in the country long, asked, "That's $2.96 and you're paying with credit card?"
"Yes," I replied, thinking that if it was too little to charge a card, they would just say that they can't charge the card and I just wouldn't have boba. Starbucks always takes credit cards, but I know of Chinese restaurants that don't take them unless the bill is over $20. I didn't want to make trouble, and I figured she would just tell me she couldn't charge it.
Her eyes opened even wider, a feat I didn't think possible, and she asked, "What? Do you not have cash?"
That raised my ire slightly, given the confrontational way she asked it. Why is it your business if I have cash or not? If I want to pay with my credit card, you either say it's okay or you say it's not. But I responded evenly and politely, "No. I don't."
She scoffed very audibly, then whipped around to make the boba, leaving me to contemplate just how rude this woman was. I held my card in my hand, waiting to pay her once she finished making the drinks, carefully watching her so she didn't spit in my drink, something I was sure she was capable of and probably wanting to do. Once she finished, she set the drinks down a little too forcefully, and asked, "What? Are you gonna give it to me or not?"
I wish I could say this in Chinese, because the accent and the inflections make it so much ruder.
I stared at her for a little bit as she glared at me, and gave her my card. Might as well be the bigger person, I thought. I just want my damn drink, though at this point, I'm tempted to walk out the door and pay more at 99Ranch. All through the card charging, she made her displeasure obvious, and as a fellow waitress walked by and saw her charging the card asked, "What? No cash?" to which she replied contemptuously, "Nope. She doesn't have money," making it sound like I was a beggar. At this point, I was really just trying to get out the door. By the end of this transaction, she basically threw my card back at me, and I departed without another word or glance.
Definitely never going there again. Ever. I'll pay more somewhere else. This is how you lose business, people. Let that be a lesson to you, rude Chinese waitresses that need to learn manners.

And then, what made it even worse, as if karma were punishing me for my role in this whole debacle, half the drink spilled onto my car. Hmph. Oh well. At least Connie had hers. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol although they were probably so upset because they have to pay a fee for you to use your credit card. and they dont think its worth it on 2.96.

Just saying

8/07/2008 1:28 PM  

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