YAY! I got the Les Miserables DVD today! Like, our show, not the professional ones Elsa, though I already have one of those.
You have no idea how soothing it was just to hear Paul's voice again. "One day more!" ahhh
I refuse to watch any of the scenes I'm in though. Well, I had to stare at myself "sleeping" through "Bring Him Home", but I was well distracted by Paul's voice. I WANT THAT ON LIKE... CD OR SOMETHING!!!!!!! It's my favorite version of that song, which is shocking, because MICHAEL BALL sings it too. Well, he's Marius, so it's kinda odd when he's singing Valjean.
But yeah! IT'S SO GOOD!
I just realized I never posted these. There are more than 350 of them, so I'll just put a few.
Darling Colette. *Cosette* COSETTE!

I love her.

Amazing voice singing an amazing song.

Aww he's so precious.. THERE.

Luis! I so did NOT have a tiny crush on him. I swear I didn't. :D
Alright fine it was tiny...

Elsa! It's your favorite!

I heart Cassidy.

I am agog! I am aghast!

Aww Donovan. He was precious, even if he was annoying sometimes. Stinky feet.

Robin and Amy'll probably stare at this. And Jen for that matter. JEN! SEND ME YOUR PICTURES FROM WHEN YOU CAME!

She's my baby. I adore her. On my castle on a cloud.

That's for Andy.

Hehe that picture embodies Madame Thernardier. Well, actually no, she's not stealing anything.

CLASSIC part. Raise it up the master's arse!

I cannot hear the word "LIAR!" and not think of this anymore.

I love him, but every day I'm learning, all my life, I've only been pretending!

And rain will make the flowers... grow.


O god me at curtain call.

I can't believe it, but I miss it.
I like how in the picture of you and Donavan the guy who plays marius is right between your heads in the background (i'm bored so i'm looking at pictures)
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