Thursday, May 25, 2006

I want to go to England.
I want to stay in England.
I want to be in England.
I want to do my internship in England.
I want to go to college in England.
I want to spend a significant amount of my life in England.

I wanted to go to England so badly today in fifth period I practically started actually hyperventilating, not Elaine is excited hyperventilating, but actual breathing too fast because you can't breathe.

*sigh* My mom thinks it's like reincarnation or something. She's like, "You were English in a past life, I know it." Even though none of us are Buddhist.. Tasha says it's Fate because...
1. I found a diary that I wrote when I was five. And the entry in like August 1995 said something like:
I watched a soccer game with Daddy today: England vs Russia (I LIKE RUSSIA too, so it wasn't just like alright just pick one). I wanted England to win! I want to go to England someday. I want to see what it looks like. I want to live there.
And I went on rambling about England for like an entire page and a half. Yes, the ranting was not just a recent development. I had it then too. I was FIVE. I probably didn't know where England was on the map! But ever since then I wanted to be in England!!!!
2. My favorite music is Celtic.
3. My favorite movies growing up were all old English films. That and Disney.
4. Out of all those countries, I somehow picked English football to get into.
5. In the second grade, I wanted the BRITISH to win the American Revolutionary War. I think I almost got sent to the principal's office for that.
6. My first boyfriend is English.
7. BBMak, McFly, Charlotte Church, Celtic Woman, Enya, Busted, Son of Dork, MICHAEL BALL, Daniel Bedingfield, Sarah McLachlan, Sarah Brightman, Kate Rusby.
8. I spell things the English way. It's not MY fault I grew up reading "Jane Eyre"!! "theatre", "judgement", "acknowledgement", etc.
9. Apparently, other than "bloody", "bollocks", and whatever other random British words I use, I pronounce random things their way too. The other day Jen, Robin, and I were at Michaels, and I forgot what it was I said, but Jen just stared at me and was like, "what'd you say?" I repeated it and they were like, "O THAT!" and I was like, "wait? How do you say it?" Yeah...
10. England was the first European country I went to.

There's probably a lot more.

Yes I want to be in England. I am an anglophile. I am a wannabe British person. But it's like.. I want to be there more than I want any flipping guy. Well, maybe excluding Danny right about now because he just said "kisses" like "kishess" and that is utterly sexy, but yeah..

Robin's saving herself for Dougie!
I wanna have sleep with Danny!

Alright not LITERALLY. Well, yes literally. But STILL!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

millions of peaches, peaches for me



5/26/2006 1:01 AM  

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