Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Revised list!
1. 'Twilight' by Stephanie Meyer (tis a book that I can barely restrain myself from flying to borders and buy right now.. edward cullen! stupid GARRET. STUPID STUPID STUPID)
2. 'The Girl Who Couldn't Fly' by Kate Rusby
3. Any of the Histories of the Middle Earth. basically any Tolkien book except the Hobbit and LotR. I would be REALLY REALLY happy if someone were to actually buy me the Silmarillion!
4. 'Amarantine' by Enya
5. "My Story: Steven Gerrard" DVD
6. anything affiliated with Liverpool Football Club and/or Steven Gerrard
7. anything affiliated with the Lord of the Rings
8. A CLOAK!!!!!!!!!
9. an ipod
10. posters: pretty scenery or anything you know i'll like
11. Star Wars Episode III: the Revenge of the Sith DVD
12. Odyssey by Hayley Westenra
13. be creative!!! get something that you know i'll like, something with memories or inside jokes or something
14. gift card to borders, if you must


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