Sunday, September 17, 2006

I understand now why American television never broadcasts the pictures of the planes crashing into the buildings or the WTC falling down. I was just watching a Chinese documentary of 911 while eating, and they showed all these things I'd never even seen before. They put in all those pictures and videos of the planes going in and the people jumping from the towers, and put it all the phone calls people made. I started tearing when I saw the first plane going in, and when they showed the towers falling, I started crying. My dad now brands me as "an official American" because I cry at 911 when I've never cried for anything Chinese. I don't even know why I started crying. I've never really been like.. "omg 911", but it was just.. painful. And it wasn't like something that happened 50 years ago like the Holocaust or the Rape of Ninjing or something. I mean, obviously, those are tragic, but it was just.. I mean, I remember when it happened. It affects all of us. I don't care what we've done to merit such hatred, and I am the first person out there criticizing the American government, but nothing should merit such hatred and violence. I sound so cheesy right now, but it really bothered me when the documentary was over and the Chinese broadcaster lady sat there talking about how many people had died, and told all these stories about specific Chinese victims, and she was smiling like nothing in the world was different. She looked like she was talking about her baby girl's first words or something.
I was really mad, "Why does she look so happy?!!?!?!?"
My dad, "See, that's the problem. It shows you a lot about how people feel about America. They were happy when 911 happened, when America finally had to face what they've done. And she's not even an Arab. They're probably celebrating in the streets. The problem is more than she's not sad. The problem is that she doesn't feel like she should be sad. Even though she should, because no matter how much people hate America, it was a great human tragedy and she's a public broadcaster so she should know better."

*sigh* The world really sucks. I understand what America's done. I understand why people would hate us. We have done horrible things, killed many people, and I can even where people are coming from when they say we deserved it. But I don't and can't understand how when you see planes crashing into two buildings, seeing people jumping off of like the 110th story holding hands, and hearing the people scream, how you can still smile. Not even smile. I don't understand how you can not be sad and wonder how cruel and hard people have to be to do that to other people.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its becuase the world is a crappy place. Which is why you have to cling on to any good you can find in your life.

9/17/2006 1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh come on...How cliche is that..."The world is a crappy place; cling to the good!"
I sigh with you Slimy. I wish America would open its eyes and start fixing their "social status" with the rest of the world...
Popular...It's all about popular...

9/17/2006 5:38 PM  

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