Saturday, September 16, 2006

I really need something to do because I don't want to do my mountain of homework.

1. Do you still talk to the first person you kissed? Lately, kind of.
2. Have you ever seen your best friend naked? Um.. in my memory, not completely. However, there is one highly embarrassing picture of Kathleen and me in the bathtub completely naked floating somewhere out there so I'm sure I have. Must be located and destroyed.
3. Are you in a relationship? yes and a big hug for him right now
4. What is the best thing about your job? what job?
5. Do you like more than one person right now? hehe if you count Danny
6. Are you against same sex marriage? NO!!! If two people love each other they should have the right to get married if they want to. What does sexuality have to do with it? Marriage is a choice made by two consenting persons usually and hopefully out of love. It doesn't have to be a man and a woman. GAHH!!!! don't get me started
7. Did you vote for Bush? Anyone who did should be shot. Alright not shot, but they need to take a good look at all the disaster in the world that we've caused and realize that it's not just about who supports abortion and gay people.
8. Where are you going on your next vacation? Uh.. no idea. Probably no where. Probably stuck at home working on my IB oral and other projects that my teachers will probably assign me.
9. Who are you going with? my planner, my binder, and probably my computer
10. Which celebrity's death do you mourn most? Um... I am not going to say Steve Irwin just because he scared me when I was little. Hmm... which celebrities that I've cared about have died? No I will not say 2Pac Yogin. That is YOU. Um... probably Mr. Rogers. I cried when he died.
11. Last book you read? Medea by Euripides... technically.
12. If you could have one super power what would it be? the power to... know and understand all languages. and to time travel.
13. Where have you lived most of your life? Chino Hills
14. Where do you see yourself in 4 years? college
15. What is your favorite sound? Danny's voice in "Too Close For Comfort"... or... hmm... the sound of my friends calling my name
16. Favorite movie of all time? The Lord of the Rings
17. Have you ever had a crush on your sister's friend? no tengo hermana (that was just for jen)
18. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? haha no
19. What do you miss right now? England and many other things that will remain unnamed
20. Have you ever spied on someone? hehhe.. of course not... *smiles guiltily*
21. Who was the last person who called you? called: yogin. texted: shayne
22. Have you ever drank egg nog? no i don't think so. i'm chinese.. what can i say?
23. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be? England, Vicki's house, or with Yogin to make him smile :D
24. Are you an emotional person? the epitome
25. Do you like your name? not particularly, but I think that any other name would just be wrong on me. You just can't yell anything else like you can "Elaine", or rhyme many negative words for a song.
26. Do you believe in love at first sight? I'm debating that one
27. Ever felt jealous of a friend? haven't we all? we all want what other people have, whether it be materials, personality traits, charisma, friends, relationships, etc. I used to wish I could be as nice and quiet as Kathleen so Asian parents would like me.
28. What was the last thing you did? edited my article while texting Shayne
29. Who is right next to you? Maureen as she sings "Take Me or Leave Me"
30. Who was the last person you ate with? my daddy
31. How's the weather right now? it's a nice, breezy, cool night
32. Lost a friendship over something stupid? can i get an AMEN?
33. Been really depressed before? define "really".. I've never been like.. suicidal or chronically depressed, but we all get our bouts
34. What are you wearing right now? jeans, pink tanktop, and my beloved red English jacket courtesy of Vicki
35. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? smile and possibly hair just because it's right there.. I like eyes though
36. Did you go anywhere today? *GLARE* SAT CLASS
37. What did you do there? fell asleep... no.. not really but wanted to
38. Are you an only child? yup
39. Do you want to get married? That's a hard question. I know that I'll know when it happens and when I really do find "the one", I'll want to get married, but I'm not in a hurry. And to me, the definition of marriage isn't the whole proposal, go down the aisle in the big white church, it's a covenant between two people to give it their all and love each other.
40. To whom? Um.. Danny Jones?? haha I don't know yet.. he'll come along


1. Do you like anyone? yes
2. Do they know it? i hope so

IN - T H E - L A S T - WEEK - H A V E - Y O U
4. Kissed someone: uh.. I don't think so
5. Bought something: yeah signed up for the PSAT.. sadly enough. O yeah and I bought soda today.. AND GUSHERS!! CYNTHIA!!!
6. Gotten sick: no but since Vicki and Shayne both are, I'm probably going to get infested with germs soon
7. Been hugged: I hugged my daddy today!
8. Felt stupid: hahaha.. when don't I? I just step into biology.
9. Talked to an ex: what is the time frame of this? in the last week? Yes... I'll have to answer in the affirmative to this one... just because Liverpool died at Goodison..
10. Missed someone: *sigh*
11. Failed a test: probably
12. Danced: hahahh probably did sometime in SAT class today. I usually do to scare Kim
13. Gotten a haircut: nope
14. Lied: probably

15. Nervous habits? talk too much and too fast, voice gets really high-pitched, once in a while a judge will say I play with my hair, but I only get that sometimes
16. Are you double jointed? uh... not that I'm aware of
17. Can you roll your tongue? YEAH!!!!! I swear it's acquired! I remember being made fun of the 2nd grade because I was the only one who couldn't and we were studying "genes" (pfft in 2nd grade) and everyone was like, "AHHA you can't!!!" and my teacher was like, "Now, now, it's genetic." But now I can!!! So maybe my genes changed or something.
18. Can you raise one eyebrow? uh.. never checked
19. Can you cross your eyes? hehe YES! my mom used to tell me that if i kept doing that, they'd get stuck
20. Do you make your bed daily? I don't see the point to that. You're just going to go back to bed and mess it up again. It's not like anyone goes into my room.

H A V E - Y O U - E V E R'S
22. Said "I love you": yes
23. Gave money to a homeless person: yup
24. Smoked: NO
25. Waited all night for a phone call: 3 AM. he called though
27. Sat and looked at the stars: in Kathleen's backyard on the 4th of July.. that was so romantic... *sigh*... except with Kathleen.

28. Do you swear/curse? Define "swear/curse". I use words that are considered to be profane, but I'm not like... rapper status. I just say, "Damn it!" and use "ass" and occasionally a "shit". Usually it's "bloody"
29. You cook your own food? HAHAH
30. You do your own chores? define a "chore"
31. You like beef jerky? YES!!! I don't ever get to eat it though!
32. You're happy with your life? when I'm not weighed down under a mountain of homework, I'm pretty content with who I am, for the most part. I wish some things were different, and I wish I could change some of the stupid things I've done, but yes, I would say I'm pretty happy
33. You own a dog? no
34. You spend your money wisely? haha I don't really spend
35. Do you like to swim? not like... laps for a team. I like swimming, but I don't love it.
36. When you get bored do you call a friend? haha yeah.. usually Vicki or Jen, depending on my mood.

D O - Y O U - P R E F E R's
38. Gray or black? black
40. Lust or love? amore
41. Sunrise or sunset? sunrise... sunset.. sunrise.. sunset. alright no more Fiddler on the Roof.. I like to paint sunrises more, but they usually connotate going to Troy on the bus
42. M&Ms or Skittles? Skittles
43. Staying up late or waking up early? staying up late.. definitely. that is something you can do without troy. waking up early isn't.
44. Hot or cold? cold
45. Winter or Fall? hmm.. that's debatable
46. Lefty or righty? uh... since Danny and Vicki are lefties, lefties... I don't know! I've never really thought about that one! I don't think I care.
47. Have 10 acquaintances or 3 best friends? both...
48. Sunshine or rain? Rain. RAIN! well, light rain with intermittent sunshine

49. Slept in a bed with the opposite sex? uh.. with my dad when I was little because I was scared of the monster vampire in the stomach of the monster werewolf that had eaten me in my recurring dream... wow Jacob and Edward
50. Hooked up in the woods? uh... that reminds me of "saturday night", but no
51. Drank a bottle of alcohol by yourself? HAHAHA CYNTHIA'S AN ALCOHOLIC!!! but no
52. Hooked up in the shower? WHAT?!
54. Stolen money from a friend? no
55. Slept? uh... was this written by a Troy person?
56. Slapped someone? yes many, but the one time that I meant it and it was hard across the face: GLEB
57. Had a crush on a teacher? Um... no..
58. Seen someone die? no
59. Been on an airplane? yes
60. Slept all day? no
61. Missed someone so much it hurt? o yeah...
62. Fallen asleep during school? ONCE! IN BIO! I'M SORRY IF JUNDANIAN IS SANTA CLAUS!
63. Been lonely? :(
64. Cheated in a game? I don't play games!
65. Been to the ER? no but i used to love that show
66. Been in a car accident? no
68. Missed your first love? let's not get into that
69. Cried yourself to sleep? yes
70. Sang in the shower? haha when don't I?
71. Kissed a complete stranger? um no
72. Laughed so hard you cried? hahah all the time. tis what i live for!
73. Regretted hurting someone? I suppose that I hurt him, even if I tend to forget that and only think about how he hurt me.
74. Cried so hard you got sick? really? is that possible? WHOAAAOA.. MUST TRY!


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