Sunday, July 16, 2006

I love the Phantom of the Opera.
Christine bugs me, but I love Erik. His passion and his pain. And no matter what you lot say, Gerard Butler is a stunning Phantom. What he lacks in musical skill he makes up for in raw emotion.

Life is so weird. It's just... why would it do something like that to people?

We're all here trying to find some meaning in our lives, a reason to wake up in the morning and do the things we have to do. Staying alive for one another. Why else go through so much trouble every day? Feeling all the pain, doing all the work, getting hit by all the curveballs and sneak attacks, taking the wounds, healing them, hiding the scars.
But what happens when your reason for existing is completely shattered? (Andy--I think this is semi-Gatsby inspired.) OOOO PERFECT EXAMPLE!!!! OH ANDY WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THIS LAST NIGHT WHEN I WROTE THE ESSAY?!? JAVERT!! He spends his entire life dedicated to the law, every last nuance of it, never bending, never sympathizing. According to him, the law is never wrong. A criminal is a criminal, and he always will be so. So when Valjean proves this wrong, he can't take it, and does the whole, "THERE IS NO WAY TO GO ON!!!!!" *JUMP* scene that people who are seeing Les Miserables and don't know what happens, I'm sorry for ruining it. Or Gatsby, when he realizes that his entire life's dream, that if he gets really wealthy, Daisy will someone love him again, is false, he shoots himself. (Sorry for all people in my grade for ruining it!)
I guess people have coined it "the breaking point". So how far can a person bend and not break? (ooo dashboard song) What do each of us stay alive for? What are the dreams that drive us, that make us wake up in the morning? Going to college? Getting a good job? Getting married? Starting a family The road of life is stretched before you, awaiting your eager tread, and when you look back 60 years from now, you can see your footsteps and where they've lead. (Whoa lead and tread rhyme)

I have no idea what was the point of that rant.
But I ranted.
Be happy people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How far can a person bend and not break?

Until I see YOUR FACE!

7/16/2006 1:04 AM  

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