Sunday, July 09, 2006

Almost two days without posts. You guys thought I'd stopped.


And now, for a rant.


Old friends are the best.
Not that new friends aren't good either, but..

Kathleen is the best.

So on the fourth of July (yes I know like 5 days late), I went to her house because she was stuck with aunt, her cousin, and her aunt's bf, since her family's in China, and she wanted company, so I came over. We ate dinner, and we were the only ones clamoring and giggling and screaming at the awkwardly quiet dinner table. I wasn't very welcome, but I didn't care. Kathleen was there. It was her house, not their house, and technically it was almost more my house than their house because I'd been there more often. So after dinner, I was like, "Kathleen, let's go for a walk. Let's perambulate (ooo SAT word last week)." So we strolled along her neighborhood to the park, and then we got on the swings. We just kept swinging and swinging, screaming, laughing, and talking the entire time. It was just like we'd done every weekend when we were younger. And then gradually, as we got tired, we just sat on the still swings and talked that way. I hadn't seen her in ages, but that's the great thing about Kathleen and me. It doesn't matter how long we've been apart, we pick up as if it were yesterday. I am a seriously insecure person when it comes to distance and friendships and change and all that, if you haven't noticed, but with Kathleen, I am absolutely and completely secure. We couldnt' get rid of each other if we tried.

And then after that, we got into her aunt's bf's car and went searching for fireworks. We never really got to see fireworks because of technical complications in Kathleen's aunt's control (including her getting mad at us), but it was just fun. Sitting on the floor in the back of the van, feeling like people getting smuggled, watching McFly videos on my ipod, slowly converting her. Then when we finally got back to her house, we pulled two chairs into the backyard and sat gazing at the stars. We started singing Disney songs and it was just all so romantic.
Except, with Kathleen.
I love it.

And then tonight she came over. (With Kathleen, if she says she's going to be here around 6 PM, she'll be here at EIGHT. *COUGH COUGH*)
We sat on the couch and watched McFly videos, laughed and talked, for an hour and a half. She loves them!!!! And then she's like, "Alright I'm gonna go." So we just stood at the door, keys in hand, shoes on, talking about absolutely unimportant stuff. But it was so much fun. I molten rock that lady. (molten rock=lava=love)

Little things make me happy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you lucky person...i wish i had even one friend like that...but hten again, i also wish that i could keep a friendship going for more than a few years.

7/09/2006 9:53 PM  

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