Thursday, September 02, 2004

first day of school. one word:

well, at least my friends got up at 5 AM, while i-- 6 AM!! MUAHAHAA!!! i love being able to get ready in less than 5 minutes.

anyway, sat next to Kathleen on the bus, though i tripped on the step getting on. Kathleen wouldn't stop laughing, bcuz i pulled an "Elaine"
talked on the way, saw Andy, who told me "it's too early for you to talk about LotR!!" i'm SORRY. it's in my NATURE!!!!!! made fun of shilpa, especially when we passed by the Brea Mall.

oo here are my teachers:
0 English Honors--Wilson
1 History IB--Madrid
2 Biology IB--Jundanian
3 PE--Burton
4 Comp Logic/Algorithms--Goodman
5 Algebra 2 H-Rasch
6 Spanish 1--Morales

well, BARELY made it to school on time, and rushed to English, which i was a BIT late for. my teacher, Ms. Wilson, seems pretty nice, and it looks like it's gonna be a fun class. we're gonna read Antigone! she laughs alot, and is a bit weird, but seems pretty nice.
Mr. Madrid is a bit odd... to say the least. he reminds me of Mr. Booth, except weirder. this kid found a cell someone left behind, and Mr. Madrid started taking pictures with it, of random things, like the flag, his coffee mug, my watch, someone's shoe. it was funny. he's LOUD, and we ALREADY had a debate. i was defending the FRENCH. i'm SORRY!!!! Freedom fries damn it... i sit next to Shilpa. it seems like it's gonna be a fun class.

Bio... hmm.. supposedly the hardest class Bio. my teacher reminds me of Mr. Borcheding. he's really nice, and according to Kathleen, "not as hard" as the other teacher. Royston's in the class w/ me.
there was the rally today, which was a bit odd. our CHJH rallies were soooo much better, though i don't want to say anything bad, bucz i know how much work it is to put on those rallies. viraj kept complaining that "i'm doomed!! There's no hot cheerleaders!!!!!! what the f*** is wrong w/ this school? i mean. there's only TWO blonde cheerleaders!!!"
PE was gay, though Vivian and I talked practically the whole time.
ICT (Computers) was okay.. my teacher's a bit boring, and just talks the whole time, and it's FREEZING in that room. Diana's in my class, and sits behind me.
i didn't like my Spanish teacher very much. i don't know why. she just didn't seem too... welcoming, i suppose. i don't know exactly what it is. hopefully, it'll get better. Karisha, your my tutor--remember!!

Lunch. the cafeteria reminded me of China. i mean, a bunch of Azn ppl fighting over food. ashley kept saying, "i'm going to roseary next year!!!!!" CAmron has LONG hair, and BRACES! and he has BLONDE HIGHLIGHTS. it's CREEPY!!!!!1 but underneath all that, he's still the same, irritatingly straight-forward camron.
I OPENED MY LOCKER BY MYSELF!!!!!!!! SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!!! i have to carry my Spanish and Algebra 2 books everyday, but i get 2 leave ICT and History @ home, and we haven't gotten our Bio books yet, but i think i'm going to have to carry that too. god bless lockers! i'm working out a routine for myself right now. i got sooo freakin lost. i was confused!! that campus is like the size of Canyon, with twice hte people!!!!!!!!! didn't see Kathleen all day, after getting off the bus, though i saw Andy once.

i need to get my schedule changed, so i have 6th period athletic PE. camron sat there w/ both our schedules and spent the whole time trying to figure out which classes i should change, so i could be in his classes. i kept refusing to drop my english and history, and then he got all pissed. we had FIVE screaming fights on the bus. Chris D was like, "see? this was EVERY class last year." Kathleen just shook her head and Andy, who i sat w/, plugged his ears. all 3 of them ganged up against me!! it was NOT COOL!!!!! kathleen, with all her dirt on mE!!!!!!!!! keep your mouth shut woman!!!!!


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