Monday, August 30, 2004

talked to whitney last night. she was like, "you know what's scary? i don't know half the people on your blog. it makes me feel like we're slowing coming out of each other's lives..." NO!!!!! NOT WHITNEY!!!!! NOT the BUBBLE-BUTTED TOADSTOOL!!!!

that does scare me, bcuz i really haven't talked to a lot of my friends. i mean, Connie's never on anymore, and Whitney's been gone the whole summer. Amanda and I have grown apart, with all our differences. Isaac's been busy, and so has Andres. i mean, i haven't really talked to Camron either, but at least i'm gonna see him every bloody day for the next four years. the only person i've really talked to all summer from CH is Roshi, and we STILL need to see the other two films. roshi's cool. i mean, we were practically best friends in 2nd and 3rd grade, and in 6th, and then in 7th, we kinda drew apart for a while, and for half of 8th, but then we started talking, and i kept yelling at him... he's awesome, for not getting too pissed at me for yelling at him all those years, and taking out all this crap on him, and isaac too. gah! i'll really miss them. i mean, it felt so weird to ask them "When does your school start?" and not mean my school, and Isaac was like, "i'm the one who's supposed to be asking you, remember tengyilan?" i practically cried then. i know i'm pathetic. it was funny though, bcuz he was like, "the 4th, 5th, 6th, or 7th" and i was like, "it's hte 7th." he laughed, "lol. you STILL know better than me when it does" WHY ME?!?!! gah!!!! i would trade anyone for Isaac and Roshi, even Camron.

now that i've severely depressed myself. went to help out Mrs. Beener set up her class today. that was fun, and i got high on candy. listening to Avril's new CD right now. FINALLY got it. "How does it feel to be different from me?"


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