Friday, April 04, 2008

Wow it's been a while. Hmm... I think it's because I'm so ridiculously tired all the time nowadays that I kind of just sit and stare inanely at my computer (usually Facebook) rather than actually think about my day and write.

First thing's first: SPRING BREAK!!!!!
I am currently worshipping the power of Claritin. After suffering all day, it's amazing what it can do. :) My throat still hurts a bit though. :( Great. Start off spring break sick.

PLANS FOR SPRING BREAK (that will never be fulfilled):
Tomorrow (Saturday) night: Isaac's party
Monday: La primera hora de espanol con Danielle
Since we're learning absolutely nothing in Spanish now that Donnelly's gone, Danielle and I have decided to take the initiative. We were talking one day and one of us said, "You know, if we just took that hour we spend in Spanish every day and just sat there and talked to each other in Spanish, we'd be so much better off." And Lo! The idea was born!
We're going to have "Spanish hour" (or hours) at least once a week, where we'll go over to each other's houses and just kinda hang out. But we'll speak Spanish the whole time, and probably watch movies in Spanish, do practice exercises--anything to get us to speak the language.
Thursday: filming our telenovela! I'm excited! Get to be overly dramatic in Spanish! Whee!! I also get cheated on, dumped, and killed! I also get to hang out with some of my favouritest people! Yogin! Sarah! Danielle! Matthew! In that order! Haha jkjk
Saturday 4 AM: Boarding a plane for Amherst, Massachusetts for a return Monday evening!

In between, I REALLY want to go Knott's, but everyone has conflicting schedules :( and Sarah's going to come over and teach me how to bake while eating Chinese food!
Oh! And there must be an Office watching party Thursday (after we film) for the first new episode!!!

As always, a reading list that never gets done:
-"Long Day's Journey into Night"
-"The Brothers Karamazov"
-"The Dao De Jing"
These first three will be read, since they're for school.
-"The House of Mirth"--Edith Wharton
-"The Hobbit"--JRR Tolkien
-"Till We Have Faces"--CS Lewis

So college decisions have come out. Final list:
Amherst College: accept
University of Chicago: accept
Northwestern University: accept
UC Berkeley: accept
USC: accept
UCLA: accept
UC Irvine: accept
Yale University: reject
Harvard University: reject
Princeton University: reject
Brown University: reject
Cambridge University: reject

Final count (as Legolas would say): 7-5 not too shabby

I'm toying between the first three at the moment. Going to visit all three hopefully and see how I like them. They're all good schools, so I guess it's just a matter of where I like more.

I shall now begin my epic tale of the Oracle. As you may or may not know (probably not since no one on the Oracle staff reads this), we always come out on Fridays, which means we export to the printer Wednesdays, get the paper Thursday morning, stuff them with inserts and count them Thursday, and deliver them Friday 2nd period.
However, this lovely past Wednesday, as we were actually exporting, the network shut down unannouncedly, leaving us with no copies of our pages. Thus, the only thing to do was to export Thursday during the period and then come early to school Friday morning to stuff them with inserts before distributing them as usual. No big deal. We've done it before. We did it twice last year.

When we told the staff about the predicament and asked how many people could come early on Friday, around 6:15 a.m., only six people raised their hands. And--they were all editors. Not a single cub, now that they don't have the reward of editor positions hanging above their heads, not a single one wanted to come just to be altruistic and help the paper.
So, this morning, I got up extra early and drove to school in a hurry, arriving at 6:10. There was not a soul in sight. It was actually rather eerie, seeing the campus so empty, so full of expectant energy, the lights dimmed, the marquee streaming, waiting for the onslaught of the day.
I walk into the 300 building and who do I see? Sarah, Ana, and Camille. Camille gets brownie points for being the only cub to show up. I checked the back of the office and no papers are there!! We wait and wait and wait, until the school is full and the bell actually rings. Then, as we run to class, we see them--stacks and stacks of newspapers being unloaded--an hour late. How were we supposed to insert them all and count them all when we all have class? Were we going to distribute after spring break when all our stories will make no sense whatsoever??

In Sawaya, we had a sub and were doing absolutely nothing, and I grab Yogin and Amy (out of the six Oracle members in the room, Amy was the only one willing to come. Jon Noguchi flat out said no, even though he's the sports editor. Bastards. Just because they're going to college doesn't mean they can stop caring about the paper. Oh wait. They never cared in the first place. Yogin's not even on the damn staff and he worked harder than all of them.) So Amy, Yogin, and I, with the help of Ana in the middle and Camille at the very end, essentially stuffed and counted 2500 papers in the space of an hour. We sweated, we bitched, we listened to bad music (HSM and hardcore rap courtesy of Yogin), but in an hour's time, we 3.5 in an hour what 35 people usually do bitching and whining while not really working in 40 minutes. And thus, at the expense of Elaine's hands (I could barely write my philosophy essay 1st period), the Oracle was saved. YET AGAIN. OUT OF SHEER HARD WORK. Thanks so much Yogin!!! Nav does owe you lunch. :)
I just wish that people could care 1/4 of how much I care about the paper. It's just absolutely disgusting when I hear Jon and Jordan complaining about having to be at layout for like an hour (since they never stay anyway) and reading three drafts (as opposed to my 30) and doing the least amount, instead of the most as I always try to do. SIGH. Where can I find people who are as crazy as me? That's the college I'm going to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey that better be in order..
u dont like me the most? :(

make sure u let nav know my order.
i want chipotle :)

4/05/2008 12:37 AM  

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