Saturday, October 21, 2006

I want a Romeo & Juliet poster. Hmph. Except I want to design it. I'm so freakin picky about it. The quotes. The picture. I want that specific picture of Leonard Whiting & Olivia Hussey. He's so beautiful. And she's even more beautiful, if possible.

PSAT went well. The room temperature was 82 degrees Fahrenheit. I know. I checked. I was sweating profusely through the whole thing, so that might affect my score.

Went to Kristina's and practiced "Let Me In" with her. Jen tried to escape the singing. Hehe Then went to the mall where we saw a gazillion people from Troy, including Vicky Ge! whee! Jen found her store.. how depressing. For Love and Hot Topic. EW EW EW EW. I LOVE the store design for "For Love". It's like... Victorian, and then they have all this polka-dotted ugly jewelry that totally suits Jen's taste. INCONGRUENT. HORRIBLE. RUINING THE DESIGN. Hot Topic just frightens me. Bought a shirt from NY And Company, and now must fast because it's XS (the only one left from clearance) and I can fit in it, but it's tight across the chest and makes my waist look huge. *sigh* tiny model people.

McFly are my heroes in life. HEhe how sad. But they're so funny!!!!! I love how they're out promoting. More videos for me! whee!


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