Thursday, August 04, 2005

So life has been... the same lately. Just dragging out the days till the busy stressful hum of life at Troy commences once more. I kinda don't want it to start, cuz then it seems like it will never end, and I don't like the DBar kids, except one, or two, if you include Simon, no wait three I like Vicky too, and four cuz I like Chris Gray, but overall, i loved the peace (okay it wasn't peaceful) but the... atmosphere of our little freshman plus kathleen circle. I mean.. we fought (more like 2 of us fought), but we understood each other, and it just felt natural. But blah.. i can't wait to take AP Euro! I will miss the 13 hours of sleep daily though..

So I was thinking
A dangerous habit I know
That crazy old coot is Belle's father

OKAY NO MORE. Probably only Elsa can tell me where that's from, and what the next line is, so I challenge you to tell me!
So I was thinking and my mind, dangerous thing it is, came across the concept of childhood sweethearts. And I asked--Why? Why is the idea of a childhood sweetheart so endearing and sweet to most people? Not like o yea there was this girl I used to play with who lived down the street and after i moved i never saw her again, but the idea that someone you loved, probably in a childish way, after you grow up, is destined for you. If not destined, there's something "there" when you're older.
Let's say like Christine and Raoul (I know you hate them Elsa) for example. They played together for a summer when they were young, then they were separated for years and years, but when they met again, they fell in love, or as some advocates argue: BACK in love.

THAT kind of chilhood sweetheart. But why is that concept so endearing for so many people? Why do we long for someone like that in our lives? Well at least some of us do. Is it the comforting thought that someone familiar to us will love us in the future? A kind of guarantee I suppose, but not really. A person to share the future with, who knows your past and still loves you. Or is it merely just a romantic ideal that leaves us with fuzzy warm feelings inside?

I need to think that one out.

I need a good romance novel. Like chivalrous, courtly love, with flowery, romantic language that in the end are nothing but promises that he doesn't intend to keep, but make you happy anyway. With stifling yet beautiful gowns and masques and promenades and balls and men/knights or both fighting for favor. With balcony scenes beneath the moonlight, roses and poems, valor and distress, luthien and beren, romeo and juliet... that kind of thing. Or Maglor and whatever his unnamed wife who as far as I'm concerned doesn't exist. *sigh* wouldn't it be nice if guys could sing? and then take it one step further... they could be like Maglor, compose his songs and then perform them in the most beautiful and poignant voice since Daeron lost. NO offense Luthien, but I don't think Beren could sing! AND he was human and cost you all that trouble. Ah well.. the course of true love never did run straight.

Shutting up now.


Blogger isilme said...

Trying to get this thing to work... please tell me it works

8/04/2005 11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stupid thing

8/08/2005 9:15 PM  

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