sad thing is, i really don't wanna be here.. o, if u haven't noticed, i'm back, and not happy about it.
before anyone asks, england was so good that my words could not do it justice... now i'm depressed bcuz i wish i were there, where itz green, and not polluted, sticky, dry, hot, dead, and UGH!!!!! everytime i go to a car, i keep getting on to the left side, and my dad's like, "your not driving yet" and i keep thinking we're driving on the wrong side of the road.
i miss soo many ppl!! sydney and her sheep, sugar high olivia, lost taylor, mark and his matrix, Garrick's weapons of mass destruction, dunkin... i even miss the leaders, especially Roe! she owes us credit cards!!! i miss sam!!! i can't even read a newspaper anymore bcuz i think of him and want to start crying.
oo wrote 2 poems while I was gone, both on the coach rides.
i know, i know. most of u will tell me to "snap out of it" or "Get over it" or "u'll go to england again some day" but it won't be the same, not w/o all those ppl. i mean, i even miss Nicole, Cassidy, and other ppl that i never thought i would miss.
well here's one poem; wrote it on the coach, for a tree. yes i know, it was inspired by a tree, but it can be applied to many things. in a LotR sense, it could be the Elves, but it could just be the trees, it could be England overall, or even, in a weird way, ppl.
Remember Me
You pass me in the window
Basking in your magnificent splendor
Ageless, yet seen so much
The cycles of this world
Yet as I gaze upon you
Pain stabs my heart as I realize
Each look may be the last.
As the wheels of this life move on
I am taken far from you
Never again to share your company
Yet as the will is in me, I hold on
Desperately, for memories are all I have
Let them not gather as dust
Swept away by a passing breath
Alas, above all else, I doth pray
Remember me
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