okay, the moment u've all been dreading... elaine's VERY critical analysis of the movie "Troy"
the movie should be called "ACHILLES" not "TROY"
they glorified Achilles sooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!! i mean, he was MORAL!!! AChilles and moral do not belong in the same sentence, EVER!!!!
the ending was too perfect!! i mean, i'm glad Paris doesn't die, bcuz i really didn't want 2 c Orlando's guts spilling out, but still!!!
the Briseis/Achilles love story COMPLETELY takes away from the Helen/Paris romance, which is supposed 2 be the focal point of the story! i mean, she was like his sex slave, not lover!
Agamemnon was NOT supposed 2 die by Briseis' hand, even though that was kinda awesome, bcuz i wnated 2 shoot him. he was supposed 2 go home, and get murdered by his wife and her lover.
Menelaus was NOT supposed 2 die. he was basically the only 1 2 survive and go home all happily. but i do admit that by Hector killing him, it did strengthen Hector's character even more.
Helen and Paris runnign off 2gether nad SURVIVING in the end????? u GOT TO BE KIDDING ME
one word: Hector
best part of the entire movie... Hector.. oh Hector. why did u have 2 die?? even though that was what happened... grr... Eric Bana did a good job w/ Hector. and no, i do NOT like Eric Bana. i've liked the character Hector ever since i read the book. tho Eric Bana has a REALLY sexy voice.
okay i'll stop there.
basic summary: The movie is good, if u really don't care about the real story.
i'm gonna go c it again sometime
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