Sunday, August 20, 2006

NEW MOON IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I got to it around 9 PM last night and did almost nothing else until 12:30 (if you count hyperventilating to Kristina over the phone at least three times as part of it). AHHHHHHH!!!!!!

EDWARD CULLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Kristina didn't like "New Moon" as much as "Twilight", because she thought it tainted Edward's character and marred him from the sweet perfection that he was in "Twilight". I thought it actually strengthened him. I like this Edward more actually. He's not just the sweetest lover boy ever who has extraordinary power and an awesome family, who gets occasionally moody when he thinks Bella is in danger. There's more depth to him. Being a masochist with a martyr complex, I actually LIKE to read the part in the forest when he's saying goodbye to Bella, because while you can read what's going through her head, you can only imagine what is going through his head and how painful it must be for him as well.
I squealed when he said,
"By the way," in a casual voice, "I'm not leaving."


Jacob Black. What to say about Jacob Black? I loved pre-werewolf Jacob. He was so lively and happy and open. And then he transformed and bleh. He's still a really nice guy, especially when the whole angry werewolf complex is gone for a moment, but bah, nothing compared to Edward.
Some perverse part of me can't wait till he and Edward get into a fight. You know they will Kristina. That's basically what "Eclipse" is going to be about, in my opinion. O yeah and throw in Victoria. O yeah and the Volturi. And the ramifications of the vote. But yes, it would be interesting to see who would win, Edward or Jacob. AHHH!! IMAGINE THE TENSION! AND THE EMOTIONS! AND THE AHHH!!!!!
I WANT ECLIPSE!!!!! NOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About the whole "Wuthering Heights" parallel for "Eclipse", I'd have to read the things people are coming up with on the boards, because I personally don't see it. Yes, love triangle, but not every love triangle is "Wuthering Heights". "Wuthering Heights" is too great to be tainted like that. I don't see Bella doing anything as stupid as Catherine Earnshaw. She loves Edward too much and Jacob doesn't feed her vanity like Linton did for Cathy. It doesn't have to be vanity, I know, but I don't see what Jacob offers that Edward can't give (other than body heat. I love that, how werewolves burn and vampires are cold.) But yes, she loves Edward too much and there isn't anything that pulls her away from Edward to Jacob like with Linton and Heathcliff, which was STUPID in the first place, Catherine Earnshaw.

There will obviously be battles between Edward and Jacob, but unlike Linton, Jacob is not a worthless, weak idiot. But that does pose an interesting question. If Bella does finally get her wish and turns into a vampire (which I hope she doesn't, by the way), will Jacob feel compelled to destroy her as well? Since the "truce" would be violated? OOO I can see great character agonies going on... ahhh I want to write fan fiction again, for the first time in a long time. Someone needs to get inside Jacob's head...

So one question, do the Quileite boys only turn into werewolves when there are vampires around? And is it only certain generations? Has Billy gone through it? So confused about the logistics of that.

Hehe I love the part where Alice and Jacob are confronting,
"Look, DOG."

The part where Jacob and Bella are talking about Edward made me cry, for some strange reason.



Hey Kristina, let's make a deal. Since Edward is now "tainted", how about this?
You get Twilight Edward.
I'll take suicidal New Moon Edward. Even if he only features in half the book.

Hmm I know I have more to rant about. O YES! THE PRESSING QUESTION:
Should Bella be a vampire?

I vote with Edward (and Rosalie, though not for the same reasons as either of them). NO. (I can hear Kristina screaming at me, "WHAT?!")
I will now defend myself.
I just wouldn't want to see Bella as a vampire. It would upset their relationship. Yes I know, it's the only way they can be together forever, but I think a very substantial part of their relationship is rooted in the fact that she is a human. What would she tell Charlie and Renee? Is she just going to disappear from the face of the earth from them? They would have to leave Forks forever, because everyone knows that Bella doesn't have dark circles under her eyes and isn't poignantly and utterly beautiful. That would upset the story. The story is as deeply rooted in Forks, and in Charlie's house as it is in Edward and Bella.
I also don't understand how she's going to end the trilogy. No one is going to be satisfied with Bella and Edward are both vampires. They live happily ever after. The end. Is Bella going to die, like Catherine in "Wuthering Heights"? Are we going to pull a "Romeo and Juliet", like New Moon keeps alluding to. (A fact I loved by the way. All the Romeo references. I was hyperventilating.)
Part of why everyone loves these books so much is the fact that Bella is human. A human who likes to run around with mythological monsters, true, but a human. She is fragile. She is vulnerable. She isn't on equal footing with Edward, which is part of the draw of Edward as well, because girls love knights in shining armour. Even girls like me and Jen, who deny it. And obviously Kristina loves it. We love Carlisle's family, just as Bella loves them, because they are all so perfect, so different, yet so dangerous. I love Alice! I couldn't see Bella as one of them.
People like to see happy endings, but that's exactly what they are. Endings. You ride off into the sunset, never to be heard from again, but we assume that you're happy forever. Bella becoming a vampire would be a "happy" ending, but with another 500 page + book coming, Bella is not going to be a vampire any time soon. And if she does get her wish at the end of "Eclipse", no one is going to be satisfied. Everyone wants more. I know I'd want more of Edward.
I don't know. I just wouldn't like Bella the Vampire and I think it would ruin the books. It would undermine their relationship, undermine the plot, and undermine the appeal they have to their audience. Everyone loves star-crossed lovers, not Snow White and Prince Charming.


I'm like... disoriented. I want Eclipse. I want Edward.

My final verdict:
I absolutely love "New Moon", definitely just as much as I love Twilight, and a part of me wants to say, it's possible more so. There's not as much Edward, and parts of it could have gone quicker, but I loved it as a whole. I can't say I love it more than Twilight, just because it depends on Twilight. There would be no "New Moon" if there was no "Twilight", obviously.

But I do love "New Moon" Edward more than "Twilight" Edward. Yes I know Kristina, you fervently disagree.
So in conclusion,
yes, I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you're not mad I just skipped through all of that post...

8/20/2006 4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmmm you made some interesting points, but I still love twilight soooo much more than new moon. and I like your deal of me having twilight edward and you having new moon edward ;) guess what? I got a GUY to read twilight! hahahahaha he doesn't like it - he likes James. JAMES of all people in twilight! THE BAD GUY!!!! *sigh*

8/20/2006 8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmph, well that was pointless for me since i couldn't read it. psh. AND you didn't come over. psh. psh. (double psh)

8/21/2006 7:30 PM  

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