Thursday, May 19, 2005

Alright so I haven't seen the movie yet, but that doesn't prevent me from rambling about it! I just read a very interesting article about Star Wars on CNN
nice article

So this article was analyzing the nature vs. nurture argument for Anakin and Luke. How could the father turned evil, while the son is good and pure? It boils down to two aspects: ambition and attachment. I'd be the most evil Sith lord in the universe if Lucas ran the real thing.

Anakin believed that he was the Chosen One. He knew he was better than all the other Jedi, or at least could have been. However, it was his arrogance that held him back, not the Jedi Council, like he believed. His problem was that he could not save everyone, like I've already said. He couldn't save his mom. He doesn't think he can save Padme, and I won't ruin the movie and say if he didn't or not. He sees people dying everywhere he goes, and he doesn't understand why he doesn't have the power to stop them from doing so.

Now to the attachment part. Because he is attached to Padme, his mom, and other people, he cannot love them, yet let them go. Attachment, as he himself said, is forbidden. Jedi are encouraged to love though, and you can watch Episode II for Anakin's spiel on that, while his eyes are the most mesmerizing thing in the universe in that scene, if I might add.

So yea... I'd make a horrid Jedi. If I was Force sensitive, and other than the balance issue, I would be, I'd be a Sith lord most likely. I could never adhere to those Jedi rules. What? I can't be attached to Stevie G? What do you mean not talk to Matthew? AHHH! and ultimately: WHAT?!?! THE UNIVERSE DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND ME?!?! YOU LIE YODA!! YOU LIE!!!!!!! AROUND ME, THE UNIVERSE DOES REVOLVE!


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