got YET ANOTHER one of these off andy's site. we are sooo pathetic, and i'm starving!
[[---------------------------BASIC iNFO----------------------------]]
[x] whats your name? u know, if u didn't know my name, why the hell would u be on my blog?! for now, u can call me: LOTR freak
[x] how old? ANCIENT. i am an Elf from the Third Age. 14
[x] siblings? nope, unless u count my Elven kin
[x] their ages: would u like that in Elven years or the disgustingly fleeting time of you pathetic mortals?
[x] gender: female
[x] birthday: back in the Second Age... March 22
[x] nationality: chinese
[x] Birthplace: San Francisco (please, no jokes about that)
[x] Location: of what? Ithilien, where fair Elves and Gondorians dwell. I dwelt also in Rivendell, fair haven of all, for a time...
[x] Eye Color: brown/black
[x] Hair Color: well, it's supposed to be black, but it's like 10 different shades, spanning from ebony to almost blonde. (that's where i get it)
[x] Righty or Lefty: Right
[x] Zodiac Sign: Aries
[x] Innie or Outtie: innie, i suppose.. i really don't get that question
[x] i daydream about: wait? u mean it's all a dream! I KNEW IT! it's all a conspiracy against me! i do not ::gasp:: DREAM about Middle-Earth, i live there!
[x] tall or short: well, i am rather short, for an Elf, yet amongst these mortals I am considered relatively tall.
[x] school: i miss Canyon Hills, but i doubt i will Troy.
[x] The shoes you wore today: i haven't worn any yet
[x] Your height: 5"8 and one half
[x] Your fears: snakes (andres & kenny would know) failing (hermione granger..) not being loved, and ::gasp:: someone telling me that fair Endor ceases to live, yet forevermore in my memory shall dwell.
[[-----------------WHAT IS------------------]]
[x] Your most overused phrase on aim: well, it's a tie between "oic" and "namarie"
[x] Your thoughts when you first wake up: my stomach hurts, and i gotta read more of Fellowship
[x] The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: their eyes
[x] Your best physical feature: i'll leave that for you to decide
[x] Your bedtime: Elves do not sleep as mortals do... we merely descend into a wandering dream...
but yae. 10 PM
[x] Your most missed memory: watching Frodo sail away to the Valinor for the first time...
no, more like playing bball with Con and going "ASSIST!!"
[[-----------------YOU PREFER------------------]]
[x] Pepsi or coke: both, and like andy said, why is this ALWAYS the 1st question of this section?!
[x] McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
[x] Single or group dates: "I'd go on single dates the first couple times, and when I've established a firm relationship with my significant other, we'll go on group dates!" good answer andy, and if i've ever been on either of those dates, i would tell u.
[x] Cappuccino or coffee: as long as I get the caffeine
[x] tennis shoes or flip flops: barefoot thank u.
[x] sports or mall: sports!!!! the mall=BLEH
[x] the color black or white: white. the shadow shall not overcome those who live in the light.
[[-----------------DO YOU------------------]]
[x] Smoke: i resent that! We, the Firstborn, do not engage in the disgusting activities of the mortals-pipeweed! those infernal halflings.
[x] Cuss: i admit it...
[x] Take a shower everyday?: yes! i must stay clean! part of Elven hygiene u know
[x] Have a crush(es): yes...
[x] Who are they: wouldn't u like to know?
[x] Think you've been in love?: if i knew what love was, i would tell u.
[x] Want to go to college: do u mean that absurd human form of education? we teach about the trees, the wind, and the stars, not business and medicine, though Lord Elrond could give u an excellent course in the healing arts.
[x] Want to get married: yes..
[x] lie: down, yes. i'm very tired.
[x] given someone a bath: other than myself?
[x] cry during a flick: i cry in practically every flick. Elves are known to be very emotional, you know.
[[-----------------WOULD YOU------------------]]
[x] bungee jump: sure! that sounds fun!
[x] skinny dipp: depends on who I'm doing it with ;)
[x] cry to get out of trouble: no.. it gets me into more trouble.
[x] cut your own hair: me? w/ scissors??? NO
[x] stalk anyone: i don't know waht your talking about!!! ::looks outraged::
[x] skip school: hell no
[x] hook up w/ a friend: no comment
[x] eat shit for a million dollars: phst, i scorn the human value.
but yes, i would.
[[------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU--------------]]
[x] Go to the mall: nope
[x] Eaten sushi: nope
[x] Been on stage: yes, well, i wouldn't call it a stage @ promotion
[x] Made homemade cookies: me, anywhere near a stove, scariness
[x] Been in love: again, if i knew what love was, i would tell u.
[x] Dyed your hair: i resent that! Elves need not the inferior dye of humans.
i wouldn't dye my hair, bcuz i have this huge theory about taking pride in your natural color or whatever.
[x] Stolen anything: i don't think...
[[-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------]]
[x] Flown on a plane: no... like andy said, i swim to china.
[x] Missed school because it was raining?: why would i do that?!
[x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yea... never want to do it again...
[x] Cried during a Movie?: too many. every time i see the tears in Faramir's eyes, and i see Frodo sailing the grey ship, across teh Sundering Seas, into the bliss of Valinor
[x] Ever thought an animated character was hot?: hot? no, adorable-yes.
[x] Had an imaginary friend: Elves are NOT imaginary!
[x] Cut your hair: no... my hair would be like Luthien's if i didn't!
[x] Had crush on a teacher?: hell no
[x] Played a game that required removal of clothing?: why? no one would want to see that. actually, they'd be blinded.
[x] Been caught "doing something": Yeah- one time my dad opened the door, and i was doing... HOMEWORK! (nice one andy)
[x] Been called a tease: ??
[x] Shoplifted: nope
[[-----------------------OPPOSITE SEX--------------------------]]
[x] notice first? already asked, but the eyes and the hair
[x] have a BF/GF? yea... Legolas, Prince of the Woodland Realm. no...
[x] ever rejected someone: surprisingly-yes
[x] how many ppl of the opposite sex is in your buddy list on AIM: A LOT
[x] ever been kissed?: no... ::looks remorseful::
[x] Best eye color: hazel
[x] Best hair color: well, i don't relaly care, but i'd say brown. i don't like guys that dye their hair though
[x] Short or long hair: short!! i have a thing against long hair
[x] Best height: don't care. when your tall, u get used 2 guys being shorter tahn u.
[x] Best first date location: i wouldn't know.
[x] Best first kiss location: ahh- we drive up to a cliff over a beach; it had been raining, but as soon as we get out the car, the rain stops. And then the night sky clears, with a sliver of moon and lots of stars. The waves wil be crashing below us, and the breeze will blow through our hair... and... yeah, you get the idea... (nice one andy, i'm too lazy 2 type my own)
[x] turn ons: caring, witty, likes me for who i am not what i can give them, well-rounded in Elven lore.
[x] turn offs: smoking, piercings, tattoos, complete disrespect for Elvenkind (i said COMPLETE) egotistical
[[-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------]]
[x] Number of people I could trust with my life: like... 6
[x] Number of computers you have: 3
[x] Number of piercings: 0
[x] Number of tattoos: 0
[x] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: i'm not conceited enough to check
[x] Number of scars on my body: many, the battles i've been through... damn Orcs.
[x] Number of things in my past that I regret: too many
[x] Shampoo: Pantene Pro V
[x] Fav Color(s): white and blue, the colors of the Sea. the white foam laces the gentle blue waves as they caress the eastern shores... the Sundering Seas that keep me away from my beloved kin, and prevent me from looking upon the light of the Trees, and Lady Varda, Elbereth.
[x] Day/Night: night :;mischievous grin::
[x] Summer/Winter: spring
[x] Fave Cartoon Character: um... not a big cartoon fan.
[x] Fave Food: lembas bread, gifted to me by our dear Lady Galadriel
[x] Fave Movies: the Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring; the Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers; the Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King
[x] Fave sport: basketball!
[x] word: namarie
[x] ice cream flavor: chocolate, need i say more?
[x] holiday: christmas! gimme gimme gimme!
[x] furniture: the bed
[x] number: 7
[x] fast food: burgers
[x] school subject: history, i master the lore of my kind, and English, the art of words is gifted to the Firstborn. O Illuvatar.
okay, as u can see, i was REALLY bored
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