Wednesday, February 25, 2004

didn't have a very good day 2day, so far @ least. our final game @ chino high is in 2 hrs.
eddie is the world's biggest jack@$$. seriously, he makes other jack@$$es look bad! alrite jessica just broke up w/ andres (poor boy, he's all depressed now. we're all tryin 2 make him feel better. we all have different approaches. stupid kenneth has the worst approach, "FORGET ABOUT HER!!!! and all that $$ u spent on her, make her pay u back!!!" i started yellin @ him about that, but he was just like, "hey! thatz my opinion. he shouldn't have spent all that $$ newayz, but now that he did, she should give it back. c, if she's gonna break up w/ him, she should give his stuff back." newayz, jessica broke up w/ andres 4 firby (another guy, don't ask about the nickname) i don't think she should've, but still. firby's cool but he flirts w/ EVERYONE, and i mean EVERYONE, he flirts w/ me, and thatz just scary!!!!! alrite this what eddie said.
"dude jessica's such a f***ing slut. gets around man. from andres to andrew (firby)" (eddie sits in front of me in history and andres next 2 me)
"eddie shut up." (me)
"what? dude she's such a f***ing whore. b*tch is a slut man!"
"Eddie shut up! she's my friend damn it. leave her alone."
"Elaine, how can u call some1 like that ur friend? what about andres?"
"Andres is my friend, but so is Jessica. i don't think she should've done what she did, and i advised her against it. but it was her decision and now that she's made it, i'm gonna respect her decision." eddie just shakes his head and goes on about how mucho f a whore she is.
and now he won't get off my damn case and disses me more than camron does. and thatz saying alot.


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